Thanks to Zac Sutherland, Cat Isgrigg and Ben Crance for sending in the following photos.
In this photo Zac Sutherlad gets his 1st "E". Zac is from North Dandalup, Australia and he is the absolute most recent Hellfish with # 949. I asked Zac to comment on this spectacular photo and this is what he had to say:
" This photo.. was taken in Montana at a location that I have been asked to keep hidden. I made a solo jump with just my friend, Jon Eppard, an amateur photographer and Graphic Designer accompanying me. The hike to the exit point took 30 minutes. It was late in the day so the lighting was perfect. Jon found a rock that stuck out like a diving board and carefully climbed out on it to capture this photo. I had done my safety checks and there were good vibes at the exit point, I felt calm and peaceful. Jon gave the signal that he was ready and the picture captures the rest"
Zac only has 150 skydives. He says he is perfecting his canopy skills through BASE jumping (Hmmmm....??)